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Are most golfers insane

Published: May 29, 2017

“The definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different result” Albert Einstein If the above quote is true, does that mean that most…

3 quick ways to better scores

Published: May 18, 2017

Most golfers realise that if you want to be a great golfer, you need to put in the time. There are many stories about the phenomenal amount of time and effort the greats of the game spent honi…

4 point checklist to fix your chipping

Published: May 18, 2017

4  Point chipping checklist to fix your chipping in next to no-time. 1    Get your weight on the front foot. When we are chipping, the goal is precision, not power. It …

3 ways to have less three putts

Published: May 18, 2017

One of the easiest ways to score better (and reduce your handicap), is to have less three putts. Easier said than done you may say, but here are three games you can play by yourself or with a …

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Ground Floor, City Golf Club
254 South St, Toowoomba QLD

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